Custom BJD doll cataract eyes with blood shoot
Custom BJD doll eyes with blood shoot

Custom BJD doll eyes with blood shoot


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Envío gratuito ti' le yóok'ol kaaba' ti' tuláakal le pedidos superiores $50

  • 14 K'iino'ob Devoluciones Fáciles
  • Le mayaj óolal ti' le cliente tu núukaj ti' 24 horas
Bo'ol seguro garantizado

How to choose the right eye size for my doll?

Normally we describe an eye size like “14-7milímetro”. The first number “14” stands for the diameter of the eye base/eyeball. The “7” stands for the pupil diameter.

We can make BJD eyes in base sizes ranging from 2mm~24mm. Please make sure the size you order fits well for your doll.

*Not every style can make in all sizes, it depends on different styles, just check the size variation option on the specific style.

What’s the difference between different pupil sizes with the same base size?

Normally the ratio of Base: Pupil is 2:1,like 16-8, 14-7, 12-6. When you attach a bigger pupil eye like 16-10, 14-9, 12-8, that will make your doll look cute, like a cartoon character; while if you attach a smaller pupil eye, that will make your doll look sharper and realistic, like a real human.

Can I customize BJD eyes with my own ideas?

Sure. Though we already have many series of eye styles, you can customize the base shape, base color, pupil colors, pupil styles, and contents in the pupil.

Styes: Realistic eye, Diamond eye, Animal eye, Flower eye, 3D eyes, Flat eye, Glass-Like eye, Sick eye, Blood eye, Cartoon eye

Base color: White/Black/Red/Yellow/Blue/Green/Purple/Pink/Shiny

Base Shape: Hemisphere/Chess

*Not every style can be customized, just xook k to check.

If you have totally new idea, please send us your sketches or reference pictures, like an anime character picture, or photos of your inspiration. Please order through the Custom BJD Eyes page.

How to keep BJD eyes?

Most of the BJD doll eyes are made of resin and all resin will fade (get a little bit yellow) over time. Though we choose good materials to slow down this process, it will still happen about one year later. So please take care of these resin eyes, do not put them in sunshine or hot place for a long time. Also, some eyes are made of plaster and not waterproof, so keep them away from water and moisture.


Color Pastels: Senneller 40 colors/Schmincke 40 colors/Rembrandt 60colors

Soft clay: From America/Germany/Belgium

Base: Smooth on (From America)

UV Adhesive: Padico 星の雫 UV-LED (From Japanese)


  1. Time: Normally it takes 1-4 weeks to make depending on the difficulty and the order quantity in the queue. Handmade items really take some time, so please be patient and we will make your order perfect.
  2. The standard shipping time will be about 2-4 weeks, depending on the weather and the delivery conditions. You can see more info on our Naviero & Delivery page.
  3. These resin eyes are all handmade so there might be a few flaws like tiny bubbles and asymmetric of two eyes, though we will try our best to avoid them.
  4. The actual item color will be a little different from your monitor, due to the different light conditions and cameras.
  5. If you have questions about the return and refund policy, please check our Reembolsos & Returns Policy page.

A'alajil t'aan adicional

Buka'aj wicho'ob

6-3milímetro, 8-4milímetro, 10-5milímetro, 12-4milímetro, 12-6milímetro, 12-7milímetro, 14-5milímetro, 14-6milímetro, 14-7milímetro, 14-8milímetro, 16-6milímetro, 16-8milímetro, 16-10milímetro, 18-8milímetro, 18-9milímetro, 18-10milímetro, 20-10milímetro, 22-11milímetro, 24-12milímetro


1, 2


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Complace k ofrecer ti' k clientes juntúul nuxi' ku yéetel mayaj. Le beetike' ofrecemos envío gratuito ti' pedidos superiores ti' $50 Tak k almacenes ti' China tumen ePacket wa EUB yéetel le EE. UU. tumen USPS.
ENVÍO U JACH U 100 NOJ LU'UMILO'OBO' Táan k orgullosos ti' ofrecer yéetel envío internacional. Chéen ba'ale', Yaan Jayp'éel ubicaciones u ku ma' je'el u béeytal u envíos. Wa teech juntúul ti' le noj lu'umilo'obo', k pondremos ti' máax ku wéetel.
Ma' xan responsables mix tarifa aduana una pakteche' kin le artículos ku ts'o'ok túuxtik. Le maan k yik'áalil, Tech ts'aik u consentimiento utia'al u u ti' envíen juntúul wa asab paquetes yéetel je'el kéen p'áatak tarifas personalizadas ka' k'uchulo'ob u lu'uma'.
Le k'iin envío varía bin le tu'ux ku yaantal. Táan a le k tuukulil buka'ajil:
Tu'ux ku yaantal *K'iinil estimado envío *Tarifa táats' che' estimada
Estados Unidos 8-15 K'iin hábiles $9
Canadá, Europa 7-15 K'iin hábiles $9
Australia, Nueva Zelanda 7-15 K'iin hábiles $9
Mexico, Amerika tu'ux, Amerika u nojol 10-15 K'iin hábiles $9

*K'iinil máximo k'u'– 45 k'iin hábiles.

*Le ba'ala' ma' analte'obo' yaan k k'iin procesamiento (Oscilará ichil jump'éel k'iino'ob yéetel 6 wi'inal yaantal yo'osal u le jejeláas artículos).

*Le tarifa táats' che' estimada le jump'éel método envío estándar normal, Ba'ax le analte'obo' yaan u tarifa nacional envío yéetel le tarifa envío internacional. A'ALAJIL T'AAN TI' SEGUIMIENTO
Recibirá jump'éel correo electrónico yéetel jump'éel meyaj ku seguimiento una pakteche' ka u envíe u pedido, ba'ale' yaan k'iine' debido a le envío gratuito, le seguimiento ma' táan disponible. Tumen razones logísticas, Le artículos le ti' jump'éelili' kuchil-maano' páajtal túuxtik u ti' paquetes separados, páajtal wa a especificado le envío combinado. Je'el u páajtal u rastrear u paquete uchik yéetel u meyaj ku ti' pedido wa correo electrónico ti' nuestro Linki abas kaambal u seguimiento pedidos. Wa yaan alguna uláak' k'áat chi', Béet xook k Ka ko'on tuláakal u páajtal utia'al a wáantik.. DEVOLUCIÓN KA REEMBOLSO
Wa a K'ajóolt le detalles yóok'ol le política devoluciones yéetel reembolsos, Much consulte k Linki abas kaambal ti' devoluciones yéetel reembolsos.