赤いフルセット BJD 人形の服 & 頭飾り – SD, ブライス, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3 球体関節人形ドレス
赤いフルセット BJD 人形の服 & 頭飾り – SD, ブライス, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3 球体関節人形ドレス
$47.50$60.00 オプションの選択

赤いフルセット BJD 人形の服 & 頭飾り – SD, ブライス, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3 球体関節人形ドレス


Dress your dolls in vibrant elegance with our 赤いフルセット BJD 人形の服 & Headdress. This complete set includes a stunning red dress and matching headdress, designed for BJD, ブライス, and SD dolls. Made from soft cotton, it adds a luxurious and eye-catching touch to any doll collection. Available in multiple sizes to fit various doll types.

以上のご注文で世界中に送料無料 $50

  • 14 数日間簡単に返品可能
  • カスタマーサービスから返信がありました 24 時間

🌟 Product Description:

  • Size Options:
    • 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, ブライス: Multiple sizes to fit various doll types.
  • 含まれるもの: Dress and headdress (人形, wig, and shoes not included).

🌈 Features:

  • Soft Cotton Fabric: Comfortable and breathable for your dolls.
  • Elegant Red Design: Beautiful red dress with intricate lace, ribbons, and a matching headdress.
  • Versatile Fit: Suitable for BJD, ブライス, and SD dolls in sizes 1/6, 1/4, 1/3.
  • Complete Set: Includes both the dress and a coordinating headdress to complete the look.

🌸 Care Instructions:

  • Washing: Hand wash gently with mild detergent and air dry.
  • Storage: Keep your doll’s outfit in a cool, dry place to maintain its condition.
  • Avoid Staining: Handle dark accessories carefully to avoid color transfer.

⚠️ Important Notes:

  • Only includes the dress and headdress. 人形, wig, and shoes are not included.
  • Measure your doll’s size before purchasing to ensure the correct fit.
  • If unsure about sizing, feel free to contact us for assistance! 💬

Why Choose Our Red Full Set BJD Clothes?

私たちの Red Full Set BJD Clothes & Headdress combines beauty, comfort, and versatility for your BJD, ブライス, and SD dolls. With its rich red design and soft cotton fabric, this set adds a touch of elegance to any doll collection.

❤️ Dress your dolls in luxury with this stunning red full set and headdress! ❤️



のために 1/3 球体関節人形, のために 1/4 球体関節人形, のために 1/6 球体関節人形, ブライス用

Primary color

あ, B, C, D





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